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Practice Notes

Application for Casino Operator's Licence

Application for the Renewal of Casino Venue Licence

Application by Secretary to Suspend or Cancel Casino Licence

Application for Mortgage, Charge or Encumbrance

Application to Transfer or Alienate as a Result of Mortgage, Charge or Encumbrance

Application to Approve Casino Venue Agreements or Amendments


Application by Casino Licence Holder or Request by Secretary to Specify, Vary or Revoke the Conditions of a Casino Licence

Application for Temporary Authority to Operate a Casino

Orders to Remove or Circumvent Significant Influence in a Casino of an Associated Person


Application for Mortgage, Charge or Encumbrance

A holder of a casino licence (a casino operator’s licence or a casino venue licence) may apply to have a mortgage, charge or encumbrance placed on the licence under section 126(3). A mortgage, charge or encumbrance cannot be placed on a licence until the Commission approves the proposed holder of, and the nature, terms, and conditions of, the mortgage, charge, or encumbrance (s126(1)).

Link to application form:
Note: These documents are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.

Licence holder files application using specified form and any material in support

No fee is required
Commission sends application and material in support to the Secretary and asks the Secretary to notify the Commission of its position on the application
Secretary notifies the Commission of its position on the application and the reasons for any opposition
Commission considers all information received and decides whether:

  • To grant application or whether it should receive written submissions or hold an oral hearing.
  • Anyone else should be asked to provide written submissions or other information to assist the Commission.
  • It will appoint any expert to assist it in its decision making.
If Commission decides to receive written submissions:

  • Commission sends the information received from the Secretary and any other person to the applicant, or notifies the applicant of the Commission’s concerns with the application.
  • Commission requests written submissions and any information from the applicant.
  • Commission receives written submissions from the applicant and provides copies to the Secretary and any other selected person to file submissions.
  • The Secretary and any other selected persons make written submissions.
  • Commission receives submissions from the Secretary and any other selected persons and provides copies to the applicant.
  • The applicant may make written submissions, strictly in reply.
If Commission decides to hold an oral hearing:

  • Commission sends the information received from the Secretary and any other person to the applicant, or notifies the applicant of the Commission’s concerns with the application.
  • Commission sets a date for the hearing and notifies the applicant and the Secretary of the process to be followed at the hearing. To assist, the Commission may convene a pre-hearing conference to identify the likely issues and evidence.
  • Commission holds the hearing.
If Commission decides to approve the application without written submissions or an oral hearing:

  • The Commission notifies the applicant of its decision.
Commission considers all information received
Commission decides whether or not to grant the application
Commission notifies its decision to the applicant and the Secretary

The notice will give reasons and, if relevant, set out the rights of appeal under s235.
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