Practice Notes
Application for Casino Operator's Licence
Application for the Renewal of Casino Venue Licence
Application by Secretary to Suspend or Cancel Casino Licence
Application for Mortgage, Charge or Encumbrance
Application to Transfer or Alienate as a Result of Mortgage, Charge or Encumbrance
Application to Approve Casino Venue Agreements or Amendments
Application by Casino Licence Holder or Request by Secretary to Specify, Vary or Revoke the Conditions of a Casino Licence
Application for Temporary Authority to Operate a Casino
Orders to Remove or Circumvent Significant Influence in a Casino of an Associated Person
Application by Secretary to Suspend or Cancel Casino Licence
The Secretary of Internal Affairs may apply under section 144 to the Gambling Commission for an order that a casino licence (a casino operator’s licence or casino venue licence) be suspended or cancelled. Section 145 sets out the procedure which the Gambling Commission must follow to decide whether or not to grant such an order.
Link to application forms:
Note: These documents are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.
 | Secretary files an application using specified form and provides written submissions with evidence in support |  |
 | Commission:
- Sends a copy of the application and any information to the licence holder affected.
- Notifies the licence holder and the parties to any casino venue agreement with the licence holder of their rights:
(a) to make written submissions within 20 working days, or to request an extension of the time period for written submissions within 20 working days, and
(b) to an oral hearing on request.
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 | | If any application for an extension of time for written submissions is received, Commission considers and makes a decision on the application and fixes a date for filing. |
 | Commission receives written submissions and any requests for an oral hearing |  |
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If an oral hearing is requested, the Commission should:
- Set the earliest practicable date for the hearing.
- Provide the Secretary and any other person participating in the hearing with the written submissions received.
- Give the licence holder, the parties to any casino venue agreement, and the Secretary at least 20 working day’s notice of the hearing date.
- Convene a pre-hearing conference for the purpose of making timetable orders, and request notification in advance of the conference of any witnesses to be called by each party and the production of any further information upon which either party wishes to rely.
- Hold a hearing at which the licence holder, parties to the casino venue agreement and the Secretary may produce evidence and call, examine and cross-examine witnesses.
The Commission may adjourn the hearing to allow the licence holder to deal with any matters. |  | If an oral hearing is not requested, the Commission should:
- Provide the Secretary with any written submissions received.
- Request that the Secretary provide any submissions strictly in reply.
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 | Commission makes a decision in accordance with the requirements set out by section 146(1) |  |
 | Commission notifies the licence holder, the Secretary and any parties to a casino venue agreement with the licence holder, of its decision and the particulars required by s146(2) and (3)
The notice should give reasons and set out the rights of appeal under s235. |  |
 | If the decision was to suspend the licence:
- The Commission may later revoke the suspension if it is satisfied that the reasons for the suspension have been resolved.
- The Commission must later cancel the licence if the reasons for the suspension have not been resolved at the end of the suspension period.
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